Noughts and Crosses

Sephy is miserable. Do you think she justified in feeling sorry for herself?

ch 17

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In context, we can certainly be empathetic when Sephy's sister announces that her support for Sephy is nothing more than self-protection,

‘No-one touches a Hadley. No-one,’ Minnie stormed. ‘If they think they can get to you with no comeback, then it won’t be long before someone tries it on with me. I won’t have that.’
My tentative bubble of well-being was well and truly burst.
‘Go away, Minnie. Now!’ I shouted, the words slurred and blurred as they left my mouth. But even if the words were practically incomprehensible, the look on my face obviously wasn’t. Minnie stood up and slammed out of my bedroom without another word.


Noughts and Crosses