
You will be studying the character of Shlomo - Eliezer's father. Find THREE quotes from chapters 3 and 4 that show his relationship with his son. After each quote, explain how that quote represents his current relationship with Eliezer.

You will be studying the character of Shlomo - Eliezer's father. Find THREE quotes from chapters 3 and 4 that show his relationship with his son. After each quote, explain how that quote represents his current relationship with Eliezer.

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Sorry, I can't do this assignment for you. This is only a short amswer space. Here is one:

Elizer not only had to survive himself, he had the added stress of taking care of his elderly father.

  • “I first wanted to see where they would send my father. Were he to have gone to the right, I would have run after him. The baton, once more, moved to the left. A weight lifted from my heart.” Page 32