New Kid

How does Jordan handle the impacts of race on his relationships? (This includes friendships and adult relationships)

please also include evidence and analysis.

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Last updated by Cookie L #1333054
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JUst find it in the book


me mr.bombostic

hey what ever your name is don't be rude or mean he/she just want help Btw MY NAME IS AHMED AND I"LL GIVE U THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know jordan handle impacts race his relationships i know i got on this 10/10 the teacher gave me this question it's , I know jordan handle impacts race his relationships is when he finished swimming he went to his house saw his parents and saw his friendship they are all in the park celebraining and is realshion betewwwen is is he gets angry soooooooooooooooooo fast and adult he hates is adult.

I'm done if you think THIS IS WRONG IT"S not because i did this to the teacher and guess what the teacher gave me 10/10 peole in the clas got 0/10 some of them 6/0 I'm the only one who got 10/10


the question was How does Jordan handle the impacts of race on his relationships? (This includes friendships and adult relationships)