
welcom to the underworld

In the article welcome to the underworld by Michael A. Signal I need help on the question How does a person’s life on Earth affect their experiences in the Underworld? if you need help with reviewing the question it is on commonlit. also, I wanted to thank you ahead of time so thank you so much!

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Last updated by Yasmine B #1151939
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Our guide explains there are three places you can end up in the underworld depending on how you lived your life. The following is taken from the text:

Elysian fields - Heroic feats of virtue on Earth. This is like a five star hotel but not many get to live there.

Asphodel Medows- People that lived good but unremarkable lives. Three star hotel!

Tartarus: People that were bad in their life. People who cheated and hurt others. Nothing but pain and dispair: no star dump!

How does a person enter the Underworld