My Children! My Africa!

What is the differences between Thami and Isabel's schools?

I really wanna know

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In South Africa at the time shown in My Children! My Africa!, schools for white and black South Africans were completely segregated. This is shown in the play by Isabel and Thami attending different schools, and the fact that Thami did not receive an equal education to Isabel is shown by Isabel's shock and disgust at how simple and dull Thami's school seems. However, the play shows that even black South Africans raised in these segregated areas had the intellect to succeed in academics and in life, if the government would have allowed them the chance them.

The subject of teaching and teachers is also very important to the play. All of the characters are either teachers or students, and the traditional relationship between teachers and students is shown through the characters of Thami and Mr. M. Mr. M keeps an emotionally distant relationship and often tells Isabel that he will tell Thami what to do rather than ask him. Secretly, Mr. M tells Isabel that Thami is his favorite student and that his biggest goal, after all his years of teaching, is for Thami to succeed.


My Children! My Africa!