My Children! My Africa!

Discuss how brakwater and camdeboo reflect their nature and conditions

My children my Africa

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Camdeboo is a beautiful little town with nice homes, a welcoming main street, and a number of well manicured shops. Brakwater is described as an old farm.... a terrible mess.

It’s on the edge of town, on the right-hand side when you drive out to join the National Road going north to Middleberg. Unfortunately, as most of Camdeboo would say, you can’t miss it. I discovered the other day that it has actually got a name . . . Brakwater . . . from the old farm that used to be there. Now everybody just calls it “the location.” There’s been a lot of talk lately about moving it to where it can’t be seen. Our mayor, Mr. Pienaar, was in our shop the other day and I heard him say to my dad that it was “very much to be regretted” that the first thing that greeted any visitor to the town was the “terrible mess of the location.” To be fair to old Pienaar he has got a point you know. Our town is very pretty. We’ve got a lot of nicely restored National Monument houses and buildings. Specially in the Main Street. Our shop is one of them. The location is quite an eyesore by comparison. Most of the houses — if you can call them that!—are made of bits of old corrugated iron or anything else they could find to make four walls and a roof. There are no gardens or anything like that. You’ve got to drive in first gear all the time because of the potholes and stones, and when the wind is blowing and all the dust and rubbish flying around . . . ! I think you’d be inclined to agree with our mayor.