My Children! My Africa!

Act 1, Scene 3

What is isabel's reaction to the debate and being asked to come back

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When Mr. M asks Isabel about a "return visit" (p.25) to his school and she tells him that she would be very excited to do so. He tells her that he has not come to ask her to debate against one of his students again, but rather to join Thami on a team for a new inter-school English literature quiz. Isabel delightedly agrees, even when Mr. M warns her that he can be a strict teacher.

Calming down, Isabel tells him that visiting his school has been one of the best things that has ever happened to her because it was so eye-opening to see the school and meet people from the location. When she tried to explain how it felt to be on equal terms with black people to her parents, they didn't understand. She says her mom is still frightened of black people, but she's not because "Knowledge has banished fear" (p.29).

