My Bondage and My Freedom

do you think it is possible to be a benevolent slaveholder? why or why not?

im not sure

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Yes, I have often talked with my students about slaveholders who truly cared for their slaves and showed benevolence for their condition. This isn't to say I excuse anyone who ever owned slaves, but if you look at the practice historically....... slavery has been around since the first civilizations came to be.

I've used the following scenario with my students.......... you're born to slaveholders; you live on an enormous plantation and have the best of everything. You've never known anything but slavery, and the slaves in your home have been there forever, they're part of the family.

Your parents see to the slave's needs; they're sheltered, clothed, fed well, and taken care of physically. Slave families have their own quarters, children are taught to read, and everyone is allowed to go to church. There were owners who treated their slaves like this.......... maybe not the majority, but there were good Christian men and women who treated their slaves like servants, like people........... not like easily replaced property.

Do I believe benevolent owners numerous........... absolutely not. But I do believe that there were families, even slave families, who didn't understand what all the fuss was about.......... and that there were slaves who chose to stay with their former owners over leaving when freedom and bondage were abolished. That's a fact........... but it's a fact that doesn't excuse or make-up for all of the wrongs.