Montana 1948

Part 2 Questions

1. ‘My view of Uncle Frank was unobstructed, and I steadies the sights on his head, right in front of his ear’ (pgs 83-84). Why does David aim the gun at his uncle? Reflecting on the situation afterwards, what does he question?

2. Why does David feel he ‘could have kept going and never returned, out of my town, away from my family, away from my childhood’ (pg 87)

3. Len says to David ‘Long time ago I wanted to say something to your granddad…’ (pg 93) What did he want to say and why? What conclusion does David jump to?

4. What does David lie awake and think of on pages 101 – 102? Why?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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2) David could have kept going without facing his uncle's actions.... his murder of Marie.

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Montana 1948