Montana 1948

Compare and contrast the Hayden brothers. Make a list of the similarities and differences between Wesley and Frank. Use quotes to support your answer

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Wesley is one of the main characters in the novel. The narrator’s father, he's also the sheriff in the small town where the family lives. Wesley is a member of an influential family and thus he was educated at a prestigious college. While he had the chance to become a lawyer in a big city, he decided to remain in his small town and follow in his father's footsteps. Wesley is described by his son as being a mellow man, someone who does not take risks and who doesn’t stand out from the crowd. Because of this, David is not so proud of him. Wesley also has prejudiced ideas about Native Americans and does not shy away from treating them as inferior to him. However, this doesn’t stop him from pursuing justice when he finds about his brother's crimes. He decides to arrest Frank and have him prosecuted, even though he knows that he will be ruining his relationship with his family and that his actions might be futile. After Frank kills himself, Wesley decides to move himself, David, and Gail away from his remaining family and to start a new life in another city.

Frank is Wesley’s brother and the antagonist of the story. Unlike his brother, Frank was able to join the military and came back home as a war hero, much to Grandpa Hayden's pride. Like his brother, Frank received a good education, and he later became a doctor. After medical school, Frank decided to stay in the same town as his brother and open his practice. Frank distinguishes himself from the beginning as a racist who considers the Native Americans living in the city as being inferior to him. As a result, he has treated them as if they were worth nothing and hasn't taken the time to understand their beliefs. Thinking that he would not be punished, Frank has been abusing Indian women for some time, going as far as raping them. One of his victims is Marie, who confesses to Gail about Frank's crimes. As a result, Frank murders Marie. When confronted about his actions, Frank tries to make excuses for himself and get Wesley to side with him. When he realizes that he is going to be turned in for his crimes, Frank kills himself by slitting his own wrists and letting himself bleed to death.

