
Describe Steve’s emotions based on the exchange with the juror.

FADE IN: INTERIOR: COURTROOM. MS of JURORS. CU of a PRETTY BLACK JUROR. She is smiling.CUT TO: CU of STEVE. He smiles. CUT TO: CU of PRETTY BLACK JUROR. She stops smiling and looks quickly away. MS of COURTROOM. STEVE has put his head down on the table. O’BRIEN pulls him up. O’BRIENIf you give up, they’ll give up on you. (Then angrily) Get your head up!STEVE lifts his head. There are tears on his face. As he wipes away the tears, we hear a VO of PETROCELLI as she continues with OSVALDO’s testimony.

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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Frustration.... a feeling of defeat.

