Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

Who does Jacob meet? How does he meet her? What is unique about her?

chapter 5

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As Jacob is looking at them, he hears a loud crash somewhere above him in the house, and a girl’s voice says softly, “Abe? Is that you?” Afraid and startled, Jacob stares upward through the hole in the basement ceiling and sees six kids staring down at him. He realizes that they are the children from the photographs. He wants to introduce himself, but he cannot find his voice, and the children, scared, scatter.

He chases the girl for a while and tries to tell her that he is Abe’s grandson, but she keeps running to a mound of stones that Jacob recognizes as a cairn, one of the Neolithic tombs for which Cairnholm was named. He follows her inside of it, but cannot find her once he enters. He tries to figure out what just happened, wondering if this was a hallucination, since the kids were supposed to have died a long time ago.