Miss Brill

miss brill

describe 2 other characters in the story and how miss brill views each one 


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Miss Brill was just preparing her voice when a handsome boy and girl sat down on the bench with Miss Brill. The girl said she would not kiss the boy while seated on the bench. The boy said “But why? Because of that stupid old thing at the end there? Why does she come here at all-who wants her? Why doesn’t she keep her silly old mug at home?” (113). The girl laughed and said Miss Brill’s fur was funny looking. Sitting on the side of her bed, in her little dark room, which felt like a cupboard, she took off her fur and quickly placed it inside its box “but when she put the lid on she thought she heard something crying” The soft cry Miss Brill imagines she hears from the box is representational of her own sorrow and her imagination’s final death moan.


