Merchant of Venice

English - Merchant of Venice

  1. Find one example of malapropism and two examples of comic relief in scene ii.
  2. Explain Shylock's dream in Act ii.
  3. Who is Jessica, and in her soliloquy at the end of scene iii, what does she tell of her feelings and what she plans to do?
  4. What is a masque, and what is Shylock's opinion of them?
  5. What rumour does Salarino hear (when talking to a French man) and what might this foreshadow

I've seen these exact 5 questions somewhere else on this website. But I can't find it, I'd appreciate if someone copy and paste it, and give their answer over here

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#1. For malapropism, consider act 2 sc 2: the exchange between Gobbo and his son's future master, Bassanio, produces a few malapropisms from the old man. Gobbo tells Bassanio in line 133 that: He hath a great infection, sir, as one would say, to serve-- An infection refers to an attack by a virus or bacteria which brings about illness or disease. Gobbo actually wants to say is affection, which means desire.

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