Medicine Walk

Who was Becka, and what was her role?

Becka and role

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Becka Charlie is a Chilcotin (Tsilhqot’in) and white woman who lives in an old trapper’s cabin. Frank brings his father to the cabin when Eldon’s condition worsens. Frank expects the cabin to be empty, having been there before, but finds Becka there instead. It was her grandfather’s cabin, and Becka feeds and cares for Frank and Eldon when they arrive. Becka gives Frank medicine to give to Eldon to ease his pain at the end of his life, and to wean Eldon off of the alcohol. Becka’s father was an alcoholic, and so Becka empathizes with Frank and gives him advice. Becka also stresses the importance of stories, saying that all we are in the end is our stories.


Medicine Walk, GradeSaver