Medicine Walk

One quote when Eldon killed Jimmy in Korean War?

Medicine walk

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From the text:

But if Jimmy screamed he would give their position away. He eased his knife out with his free hand. He rolled Jimmy onto his back and pressed his knee to his chest to pin him. Jimmy tried to grab at him, punch him. He could feel his mouth working under the palm of his hand. His eyes were wide, the whites of them like twin moons. Panicked. He took the knife and held it under his ribcage and Jimmy stopped, his body going perfectly still as he stared at him over the rim of his hand. He closed his eyes. When he opened them again there was peace there and he nodded at him. The knife went in almost on its own and he twisted it like he was trained to do and leaned forward cheeck to cheek with Jimmy and heard his last breath ease out of him.


Medicine Walk, pg. 165