Medicine Walk

In what ways is Eldon a different person at the end of the story than he was at the beginning? What accounts for the changes?

In what ways is Eldon a different person at the end of the story than he was at the beginning? What accounts for the changes?

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When Eldon and Jimmy are eighteen, they sign up for the Korean War. The war is horrific and grueling, and permanently damages Eldon. During the war, Jimmy asks Eldon to bury him the warrior way if Jimmy dies. It is also here that Eldon is also forced to kill Jimmy, subsequent to Jimmy receiving a fatal shot to his chest by enemy shooters. In order to not give away their position, Eldon is forced to finish him off and leave his body behind. Eldon succumbs to binge drinking after this painful event.

Eldon meets Frank’s mother, Angie, through the man called Bunky. Eldon and Angie secretly fall in love, and Eldon sobers up for Angie. When Angie becomes pregnant, Eldon takes to drinking again because he is deeply ashamed of himself and his past. Angie dies in childbirth, and Eldon blames himself for her death. Eldon’s life is largely characterized by melancholia and woe. His deep shame and his inability to ever forgive himself are often catalysts for his alcoholism.

