how did the Germans flush them out from hiding?

Describe the strategies Vladek used to conceal Anja and himself during the liquidation of the ghetto.

  • How did the Germans flush them out from hiding?
  • What eventually happens to the mouse who informed on the Spiegelmans?
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Last updated by jill d #170087
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Vladek built a shelter under a coal bin, where he and his family hid during the Nazi searches. When they are moved into a different house, Vladek builds a shelter in the attic that can only be reached through chandelier in the ceiling. One night, as they leave the shelter, a stranger appears below. He says he is a Jew and claims to be looking for food. Hours later, the Gestapo arrives and takes Vladek and his family into a secure compound in the middle of the ghetto.

As you can see, the Nazis used any means open to them in order to flush Jews out of hiding. This included bribing Jews to turn against each other. It was every man/woman for themselves.

