Mahasweta Devi: Short Stories

Character Sketch of Dopdi

explain the charater sketch of dopdi in the short story written by mahasweta devi

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Dopdi Mejhen is the protagonist of the story, 'Draupadi'. She was named Draupadi, the female protagonist of the Indian epic MAHABHARATA, by her mother's master Surja Sahu'swife. Maybe Dopdi is the tribal version of the Sanskrit word 'Draupadi.' She, her husband, some villagers murdered Surja Sahu, the oppressor of the village Bakuli. After this incident, they escape from Bakuli. Dopdi takes a new name Upi Mejhen. Later she gets arrested by the police. They torture her brutally(they rape her). But at the end of the story instead of being illiterate, Dopdi gives resistance to the oppressor by denying to wear clothes and becomes representative of Feminism.

