Lord of the Flies

Piggy's Death

why is piggys death important in thus story?

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Piggy represents knowledge in this story. Piggy tries his best to foster a society of rules and respect. Really, Piggy would have been the logical leader had the boys been interested purely in rescue. He knew practical and scientific ideas that escaped all of the boys. Piggy's death cemented the boys' complete disregard for knowledge and the inherent strengths that Piggy offered. Piggy is merely judged on his physicality and his reaction to being bullied. In the end he dies a "bag of fat"; an invaluable boy whose name we never find out.

can you describe more of what he did so that we can call him wise and practical?



Piggy isn't so much wise as he is knowledgeable (there is a difference). Consider these points:

-he knew plane was on fire and that nobody knew where they are.

-wanted to make a sun-dial to tell time

-organised the littluns

-wanted rules and order

-knew a large bonfire (chapter 2) was useless as a signal fire.

-knew what a conch was.