Looking for Alibrandi

What kind of therapy does Josie offer John Barton?

In chapter 13, Josie offers John Barton some kind of therapy. What kind was it and would it work? Would it change anything in his life? Would the outcome of his mental state be different? Would he have eventually committed suicide?

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Josie offers John the same therapy she has been asked to do because of the stress over the HSC. The therapy requires that Josie write down the way she feels in any form she likes..... be it a poem or a letter. She is then supposed to share her writing with someone she trust, who in return, is supposed to ask if she still feels the same way. She wants to give John her writing, and in turn, he asks if he can do the same.... give her his feelings on paper.

The second part of the question calls for your opinion.


Looking for Alibrandi, pg. 160