Let the Circle be Unbroken

How did most black people feel about the Farmer Workers Union? What ultimatum did Mr.Granger give to people concerning the union

CHapter 5 or 6?

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Two men arrive, one of them white. The white man says he is Morris Wheeler from the union, and the other man is John Moses. They explain about the union’s purpose of getting tenants and sharecroppers together. Papa is quiet and thoughtful, and asks why he was approached if he owns his own land. Wheeler says it is because he is respected and may be able to help get people interested. Papa is a bit surprised and perturbed when he hears that it is a mixture of colored and white people, but he says he will think about it. Wheeler is pleased and adds that he hopes Papa will think about letting them use his barn for a meeting. The meetings will be separated based on race at first.

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