Leaves from the Mental Portfolio of a Eurasian

what advantages and disadvantages does Sui Sin Far discover in the experience of having a mixed-race identity

what advantages and disadvantages does Sui Sin Far discover in the experience of having a mixed-race identity

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In terms of disadvantages, Far cites the many ways in which she was a victim of prejudice, noting this prejudice was present in individuals from both Chinese and American cultures. She never felt as if she belonged to either..... and was rejected by both communities based upon her dual heritage.

Over time, Far became evermore interested in her Chinese heritage. Isolated by the community in which she was raised, she embraced the community that was unknown to her. She didn't know anyone who was Chinese outside of her family, and Chinese traditions were completely alien to her. In the end, Far decided she needed to come to terms with her own identity..... as a woman with dual heritage.