Last of the Mohicans

Chapters 11-15

What decision do alice and duncan make when cora gives them the opportunity of freedom?

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In Chapter Eleven, Cora begins to feel nervous that Magua intends some great danger to them. She asks that he purchase wealth by Alice's safety and pour out his malice upon her. Magua's price: that Cora herself consent to be his wife and live in his wigwam. Cora is revolted. She tells Magua that he well deserves his evil name. Magua leaves her to talk to his tribe. Heyward demands to know what was said, but Cora, reluctant to upset Alice, evades a direct reply. In the meantime, Magua is rallying his tribe to fight and find Hawkeye. The warriors turn upon the travelers and bind them, preparing to kill. Magua repeats his offer to Cora, and sneering as he points out Alice's weeping. Cora looks upon her and tells both Duncan and herself of the offer. They are astounded, and refuse to let it be; Alice says it is better to die as they have lived: together. Magua pronounces their death. Some of Alice's ringlets are cut by a tomahawk. Infuriated, Heyward jumps upon him. Before he can meet his death by means of the long knife carried by the Indian, a rifle shot is heard and the savage falls dead.

