Las Aventuras de Tom Sawyer

Como se representan los personajes de tom sawyer en el capitulo 8?

El utilizar la literatura dentro de la literatura es un recurso que permite dar mayor sensación de verosimilitud a la obra, pues parece que los personajes son reales. Entonces, como se presenta en este capítulo?

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In Chapter Eight, Tom is depicted as lonely and sad. Becky broke his heart, and he is wallowing in self-pity. As a result, he decides to run away.... to reinvent himself as a form of revenge. Becky has wronged him.... his family has wronged him, and in running away, he can make them pay.

When Joe arrives on the scene, Tom's new identity..... the pirate takes over. He sees himself as Robin Hood.... gallant and noble, he also illustrates his need for attention.


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer