King Lear

King Lear quotes using literary devices

King Lear

King Lear quotes demonstrating a literary technique in Act 2

In Act 2 of King Lear, give 2 quotes for a particular important moment in the play that use a literary device. State what the moment is, what the literary device is, and, of course, provide the 2 quotes.

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This is only a short answer space. I can give you one.

Alliteration- Bedlam beggars, who with roaring voices (Act -II, Scene -III, Line, 14)

This ia s soliloquy by Edgar discussing his transformation into poor Tom, the beggar. He tells us that he has just missed being hunted as he heard them coming for him and hid in a hollow tree. In order to remain safe, he proposes to take on "the basest and most poorest shape", that of a beggar. He covers himself with dirt and filth, ties his hair in knots, strips off much of his clothing, and pricks his skin with pins and nails and so on. He no longer resembles Edgar.