King Lear

ILC English

Hello, i was just wondering any1 was doing ILC English and would like to share answers on some key questions.

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Last updated by Abdul T #875859
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I seen that most of you are taking ENG4U, and I was just wondering if you can help me out, if you can send me assignments or anything like that it would be so helpful, I am trying to gain admission in university. Please help me out this is my last credit. I am looking forward to your emails, thank you....Please email me with any assignments or notes Please thank you.

[email protected]

Hey I am doing eng4c an was wondering if someone could help me out with questions 17, 18,19,24,40/41,42,51 an 56 please. Email. [email protected]

Hey guys, I’m doin ENG4C-B grd12 and I’m on unit 1 lesson 1 question 12, any help/responses would be great ❤️ My email: [email protected]