King Lear

Comparison betweeen the daughters.

write a brief comparison of Cordelia’s character vis - a - vi’s Goneril and Regan’s character. Base your comparison on their respective speeches

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I'm sorry, this is a short-answer forum. We are unable to assist students with writing assignments. I can, however, described the sisters.....

King Lear's favorite daughter is without any doubt, Cordelia. Cordelia is smart, brave, and honorable. She loves her father, but she is also determined to live by her principles.

Goneril is Lear's oldest daughter. Like Cordelia, she is very intelligent. Unfortunately, she uses her keen mind to manipulate her father. Goneril is also an angry young woman who has no principle and is determined to get her own way..... even if it means poisoning her own sister.

Regan is Lear's middle child. She has a talent for speaking and uses that skill to get her own way. Regan is also quite talented at disguising her true character..... the reader will initially think her a sweet girl, who tends to keep herself in the backgroud. Unfortunately, when it comes to throwing her father out in the storm she is a willing participant.


King Lear