James and the Giant Peach

What role did the creatures play to transform James character with the passage time

Give evidence from the story

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At the beginning of the novel, James longs for friends. He wishes for nothing more than to go to the seaside and meet children his own age, but his evil aunts will allow nothing of the sort. As an orphan living with two unkind and malicious guardians, James is very lonely and craves companionship. When the magical peach grows in his back yard, he unexpectedly finds wonderful and supportive friends in an atypical band of characters: Miss Spider, Centipede, Old-Green-Grasshopper, Ladybug, Earthworm, and a few others.

As these creatures travel over the Atlantic Ocean together, James bonds with them and comes to regard them as close friends by the end of the story. (Indeed, even after they find new careers, Old-Green-Grasshopper and Ladybug make a point of visiting James in his Central Park home.) Their journey together was exceptional because of the things they saw and obstacles they overcame, but this voyage was also a transformative experience because it enabled James to build bonds based on trust, teamwork, and shared challenges.