James and the Giant Peach

What are the different types of ladybirds? What do the number of spots on a ladybird show?

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From the text:

‘Oh no, that’s just a children’s story,’ the Ladybird said. ‘We never change our spots. Some of us, of course, are born with more spots than others, but we never change them. The number of spots that a Ladybird has is simply a way of showing which branch of the family she belongs to. I, for example, as you can see for yourself, am a Nine-Spotted Ladybird. I am very lucky. It is a fine thing to be.’
‘It is, indeed,’ said James, gazing at the beautiful scarlet shell with the nine black spots on it.
‘On the other hand,’ the Ladybird went on, ’some of my less fortunate relatives have no more than two spots altogether on their shells! Can you imagine that? They are called Two-Spotted Ladybirds, and very common and illmannered they are, I regret to say. And then, of course, you have the FiveSpotted Ladybirds as well. They are much nicer than the Two-Spotted ones, although I myself find them a trifle too saucy for my taste.’


James and the Giant Peach