James and the Giant Peach

we have paused in story in chPTER 23 AND 24 WHAT WOULD BE REASON? james and the giant peach

we have paused in a story what would be the reason for this james and giant peach ch 23 and 24

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Dahl wants to concentrate on other areas of character development and narrative. These two chapters are sort of a reprieve from the journey to explore character and narrative.

The characters are free from apparent danger in Chapter 23, but they still need to figure out for certain what is happening to them. When they realize the peach has not been harmed by the sharks, they revert to magic to understand their salvation, but magic is not responsible for the state of the peach - at least not this time. Magic certainly plays a large role in the James and the Giant Peach, but there is a simultaneous endeavor to understand through knowledge and logic that comes into play in this portion of the novel. This chapter quietly urges the reader to ask questions and investigate problems in order to comprehend the world.

In Chapter 24, Dahl uses an overwhelming number of analogies to describe the Old-Green-Grasshopper as a musician. These analogies also speak to humans' need to understand the world in uniquely human terms, which is how James understands the grasshopper's ear alignment and other aspects of the grasshopper's anatomy.