Island of the Blue Dolphins

Why has the pack of wild dogs grown in chapter 5?

in chapter 5 the island people have a new start

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After the warriors gathered on the shore to challenge Captain Orlov, many of them did not survive the battle. In fact, only fifteen of the warriors remained, a number which included seven elders. With so many of the men dead, the villagers were no longer able to provide for themselves..... they were starving. With each death, domesticated dogs lost their owners, thus, they joined the wild dogs, increasing their number.

Dozens of our animals, which had left the village when their owners had died, joined the wild pack that roamed the island. They soon grew as fierce as the wild ones and only came back to the village to steal food.


Island of the Blue Dolphins

After the war with Captain Orlav the owners of the animals were killed so the abandoned animals joined the squad of wild dogs


island of the blue dolphins