Invisible Man

Why do you think Mr. Norton gives Trueblood $100 in Invisible Man

chapter two

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Last updated by Monique Antoinette J #668897
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Trueblood leaves but decides to return and take responsibility for his actions. He learns that he has impregnated both his wife and daughter. As a result, the black community in town scorns him whereas the white community supports him more than they ever had earlier. Norton gives him a hundred dollar bill and he and the narrator leave with Norton asking the narrator to find him some whiskey as he is feeling ill. I think Norton represents the white sentiment that supports Trueblood because of his sincerity while at the same time supporting his subjection as a part of a lesser race.

Mr. Norton sounded like he was describing a wife and not a daughter when he spoke of the dead girl. Maybe he gave him money as a gesture of admiration.


The invisible man. Unabridged