Indian Horse

What is the significance of Saul's small size, the large crowd, their taunting and teasing, and the team's eventual victory in their first game? What role does Saul play in the match, and what universal lesson could a reader identify with relate to in thi

What is the significance of Saul's small size, the large crowd, their taunting and teasing, and the team's eventual victory in their first game? What role does Saul play in the match, and what universal lesson could a reader identify with relate to in this chapter? (ch. 20) Use a quote from the chapter to support you're answer please help

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One of the motifs in this story is how unexpected Saul's talent is. His small size often draws laughter from the crowd. The white crowd uses racial slurs to make fun of him. This mocking of course is later juxtaposed with Saul's magic on the ice. Even racist white crowds find a respect for his playing. It is Saul that makes his team win. Saul's teamates feed off Saul's energy. The universal idea of not judging people so quickly can be found here.

“That was beautiful,” he said. “You were beautiful.”

I sat on the bench and basked in that. When I leaped back onto the ice, it was with determination to earn the Father’s praise again. There was no laughter from the crowd when I took the puck this time. Instead, they yelled at their team to stop me, to hit me, to crush me. But when the players tried I simply skated faster. No one could touch me. I scored twice more and made the passes that earned us another two goals and we won that game by a single goal. I was applauded as I left the ice, and in the dressing room my teammates gaped. I just offered a small grin, then bent to my skates and began to unlace them. ch 20