Indian Horse

What are the three major impacts of traumas on Saul?

I want three general impacts of traumas that saul experienced through his life on him. They should be genral impacts and not specefic, such as the detorioration of his mental health, because I should write 3 quotes that show each of the impacts

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1) Burying past abuse (Father Leboutilier)

2) Alcohol: I was an alchemist, mixing solutions I packed in my lunch kit to assuage the strychnine feel of rot in my guts. It was a dim world. Things glimmered, never shone.

3) Hockey: Escape

He'd told me I could play when I was big enough. I loved the idea so much that I kept quiet. I loved the idea of being loved so much that I did what he asked. When I found myself liking it, I felt dirty, repulsive, sick. The secret morning practices that moved me closer to the game also moved me further away from the horror. I used the game to shelter me from seeing the truth, from having to face it every day. Later, after I was gone, the game kept me from remembering. As long as I could escape into it, I could fly away. Fly away and never have to land on the scorched earth of my boyhood.


Indian Horse