Indian Horse

Saul returns to God’s lake and is visited by his family. Why is returning to this area so important for him to move forward with his life?

Saul returns to God’s lake and is visited by his family. Why is returning to this area so important for him to move forward with his life?

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When Saul returns to Gods Lake, he walks around the perimeter of the lake and finds his pain fading away; this circular walk symbolizes him closing the circle of his life, going back to the beginning. When Saul sees the moon transform into a hockey rink, hockey is able to reach beyond and around the school where he learned it.

Saul’s story, however, doesn’t end at the beginning—he goes back again, first to the New Dawn Centre and then to the Kellys. Even though he has to leave Gods Lake, he is able to bring the beauty of the place with him. His newly complete knowledge of his past, both its scars and its beauty, lets Saul enter these old places in new ways.


Indian Horse