Indian Horse

Question 1. Why was Saul’s Mother so determined to bury Benjamin with a priest, instead of the traditional way? Why does his Mother want to reject her faith and history? (Page 65) Question 2. Why didn't Sauls parents return to God's Lake after the burial

Question 1. Why was Saul’s Mother so determined to bury Benjamin with a priest, instead of the traditional way? Why does his Mother want to reject her faith and history? (Page 65)

Question 2. Why didn't Sauls parents return to God's Lake after the burial, did they die in the process? Were they too ashamed to return to the Grandmother after their argument?

Question 3. Despite being Ojibway, Saul was called "white" by the other children because he could read and write in English. Did this put Saul at an advantage over other children in the residential school? Why would the children call him white, even though there were no white children in the Residential Schools? (Page 86)

Question 4. The "staff" at St Jerome's were extremely harsh on the child named Lonnie, why did this child endure harsh treatment?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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Naomi was brought up in the Christian faith at the Indian School. She wanted her son to have a Christian burial, not a traditional Indian burial, which she now considers a heathen practice.


Indian Horse