Indian Horse

Examine the role of Hockey in Sauls life

Examine the role of Hockey in Sauls life make connections to his life before, during and after the residential school

explain how:

His love of the game began in the residential school, rather than love the game for his own sake he is dependent on father leboutiers opinion .

when Saul is playing hockey, it takes him to a world that provides safety from the daily realities of Residential School.

It provides protection from the racism of the outside world during his time in the professional league

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This is a large topic for this short answer forum. Hockey provides a refuge for Saul. It saves him from the daemons at residential school. At the same time, hockey destroys Saul. In many ways hockey and Father Leboutilier are mirrors of each other in Saul's life: they save him and destroy him. It is the white world of hockey that eventually destroys Saul-the racism is just too much for Saul to handle. Father Leboutilier introduces hockey to Saul but his hidden abuse haunts Saul.