Indian Horse

discuss the character of Saul and how he learned to play Hockey.

think about something in your life you like to learn, improve or achieve. What will you do to learn or achieve that aim? What will be your strategies? Give us an action plan.

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Saul is dedicated and disciplined before he ever played hockey. Throughout Indian Horse, Saul’s love of hockey is his lifeline. He’s an unlikely athlete because of his short stature, but he has an incredible ability to understand the motions of the game and predict where the puck will go. He uses this ability to control the ice and predict the movements of his teammates. It’s the place where he feels free—first from the horrors of St. Jerome’s, and then from his own memories, his abiding grief. However, he is also met with violent racism both on and off the court, which only increases the more successful he becomes. Saul learns to play hockey on his own: stuffing large skates with newspaper and using a chair for support on the ice.