Indian Horse

Discuss how the changes in Saul’s physical environment reflect his personal journey.

ex: the bush, ice rink, the residential school, etc

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Saul begins with his early childhood and the nomadic sort of life he led. We see how he becomes a product of the harsh natural elements around God's Lake. Life is extremely hard but his family functions and, in that function, Saul finds stability. Things drastically shift at St. Jerome’s school. Saul tries to literally vanish at this school. The school strips all identity away from indigenous children. Ironically Saul also finds the game of hockey which saves him. The rest of the narrative sees Saul as a transient between white and indigenous worlds. Saul never adapts to the white world: he isn't allowed to adapt. White people refuse to let him in. Saul must eventually find a physical world that accepts him and his gifts.