Indian Horse

Chapters 1-20

1. What happened to Benjamin? Explain.

2. What was "Indian work"? Explain.

3. At Gods Lake, what song did Saul hear coming out of the west? Explain.

4. What happens to grandmother? How was this foreshadowed? Explain. (Foreshadowing be a woming or indication of la future event)

5. From Chapter 11 what was the bathing process at the school a metaphor of?explain

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What happened to Benjamin? Explain.

Benjamin had been stolen from his family by white government agents and taken to residential school. When Benjamin escaped from the school, he finally found his family. He was sick and dying from tuberculosis that he contracted at the residential school,

My brother was limp and hot and he felt thin in my hands. Empty. When we laid him on the spruce boughs in the tent he seemed to sink into them, as though the land were already reaching out and claiming him. Chapter 7. Page 20.

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