Indian Horse

Chapter 17 starts to repeat the fact that Saul is much smaller than most people around him. It also mentions how he deals with his size. What could being small symbolize for Saul in his world and circumstances?

Chapter 17 starts to repeat the fact that Saul is much smaller than most people around him. It also mentions how he deals with his size. What could being small symbolize for Saul in his world and circumstances?

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Saul must consistently prove himself at residential school. His intelligence is noticed right away. He is one of the only kids that can read and write in English. Saul falls in love with hockey but is a small boy. He has to work harder than anyone to learn how to skate and play with a sense of freedom and magic. Saul compensates for his small size by learning to skate fast and predict where the puck will be. Bigger players have trouble keeping up with him.