Indian Horse

By Chapter 15, is the coming of Father Leboutilier is an important event in Saul's life and why?

By chapter 15, is the coming of Father Leboutilier is an important event in Saul's life and why?

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When the new priest, Father Gaston Leboutilier, arrives at St. Germ’s, he is different..... quicker to laugh and kinder to the children. The other priests and nuns dislike him. One day, he asks Saul if he has heard of hockey. Saul hasn’t, but Father Gaston’s enthusiasm is infectious, and Saul begins to read about the game. Then he goes to watch the older boys play, and immediately understands the fundamental rhythms of the game. When the priest takes him to watch a game on the television, he is amazed by the new technology, but more amazed by the sport itself. He begs to be allowed to play, but Father Gaston tells him he is too young. Saul asks to care for the rink, and the priest obliges. Father Gaston's arrival is important because he is the one who introduces Saul to hockey.


Indian Horse