In the Time of the Butterflies

In the time of the butterflies

The mira al sisters are vary different individuals which of them would most like to have been friends with which one do you most admire which one is most like you

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This is really asking for your opinion rather than mine. Personally I like Minerva. She is feisty and rebellious. She is willing to sacrifice much for her country. Minerva is the third Mirabal daughter and the most committed to revolution. From an early age, she is sharp-tongued and self-confident. She wants to become a lawyer, though her father will not agree to this plan. He does, however, agree to let her attend Inmaculada Concepcion with her older sisters At Inmaculada, she quickly befriends a withdrawn girl named Sinita Perozo. Sinita tells Minerva about the deaths of her male family members They were murdered for resisting Trujillo. This news shocks Minerva, and she begins the political questioning and fight for justice that will mark her future activities. Minerva, Sinita, and their friends Elsa and Lourdes perform a play before Trujillo, and Sinita aims an arrow at the dictator. Minerva diffuses the situation by chanting "Viva Trujillo'"