In His Steps

What changes did Mr. Norman make in the advertisements?

Chapters 1-16

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Mr. Norman did not renew contracts with alcohol or tobacco advertising.

From the text:

What would He do with that other long advertisement of choice liquors and cigars?

Would Jesus advertise whiskey and tobacco in his paper?


"Clark," said Norman, speaking slowly and carefully, "I have been looking at our advertising columns and have decided to dispense with some of the matter as soon as the contracts run out. I wish you would notify the advertising agent not to solicit or renew the ads that I have marked here."

He handed the paper with the marked places over to Clark, who took it and looked over the columns with a very serious air.

"This will mean a great loss to the NEWS. How long do you think you can keep this sort of thing up?" Clark was astounded at the editor's action and could not understand it.

"Clark, do you think if Jesus was the editor and proprietor of a daily paper in Raymond He would permit advertisements of whiskey and tobacco in it?"


In His Steps