In His Steps

In His Steps

Read Matthew 10:34-38, then explain how Virginia Page and Alexander Powers experienced the reality of those verses?

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Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:34-38 NIV).

Virginia puts God before everything else. She really embodies this verse. Virginia was one of the first few that took the pledge that was proposed by Pastor Maxwell β€” What Would Jesus Do? She becomes a very strong Christian and a person to look up too. She is very wealthy and generous woman by giving a large sum of money to the First Church to help the Rectangle; she also gave $500 000 to start a Christian newspaper. Virginia is the sister of Rolling Page and best friend of Rachel Winslow. At the rectangle, she took in the drunkard Loreen when she needed her the most.

Powers is a wealthy gentleman that runs the railroad. He found out that his company has been breaking the law and decides to quit so he ended up working for the Daily News. He put God first infront of money and profit.