I Am Malala

How does Malala introduce the reader to her world in Swat Valley?

In chapter 1-2

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Malala introduces the story by relating the facts of her birth, the customs, her parent's marriage, and her father's celebration of the birth of a little girl. In this introduction, we see rthat Malala's parents are different, espacially in light of her father joy in her birth. The majority of men would lament a little girl....

Malala also tells us of her family's poverty, Her father's school, and her own identity as a Swati first..... then Pashtun.

In Chapter Two, Malala describes her father in detail, his love of education, his stuttering, and his interest in politics. She speaks about her mother, who had the chance to be educated, but who cared little about studying or learning. Then she describes General Zia's death and his replacement..... a woman, Benazir Bhutto.

In essence, we are introduced to the country Malala loves and given all the reasons for that love.


I Am Malala