I Am David

Question in description

Throughout the novel, David makes the attempt to “win” over those around him, including the guards, and those two who are cruel to him. Locate at least two of these circumstances. What is the situation? Why does David feel the need to “win” against these Individuals? What does this say about David, as a person? Do you think David's actions make him petty, or nightous? Why? Lots of information please

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This is only a short answer space but I can make a general comment. There are of course the guards that David tries to win over with some success. There are also the truck drivers, the Italian sailor, the baker.... these nameless characters, embodiments and/or manifestations of the same sort of selflessness and compassion to which David both practices and aspires, all help David on the initial stages of his journey through Italy. David is a Christ-figure tries to reach the good in people for their own salvation rather than his own gain.