I Am David

Chapter 6: Why do you think David feels completely happy when he reads the parents’ note in the paper?

Chapter 6

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I think that David is happy because someone cares about him. He sees an advertisement in the paper, written to him by Giovanni and Elsa, saying that they want him to come back. For a while he is happy, but then realizes why he's been so bothered about having stayed at the house. "When he entered the house," narration comments, "he had seen what he could never possess." He comes to realize how different he is, and to believe that he would never be anything BUT different (see "Quotes," p. 143-144). This, in turn, leads him to believe that life was no longer worth living, because the beauty with which he longs to be in touch will never be truly his. He then thanks God for all His help but tells Him that He is no longer enough, because David knows life is no longer worth living.