House on Mango Street

What does the reader learn in "And Some More" ? Why does Cisneros include this chapter?

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In the section titled, And Some More", the most important symbol is the clouds, which we already know have spiritual meaning for Esperanza. For Esperanza, the clouds fill many functions, and in this case they are a source of entertainment. Nenny's refusal to stop naming the clouds, as the other three match wits maintains a level of friendliness, and the fight is ended when the clouds provide the answer to the retort "Who's stupid? Rachel, Lucy, Esperanza, and Nenny." As a result, the plethora of clouds serve as a metaphor for the girls' own erratic behavior, as their attitudes and moods are always changing.

As a result of reading this section, the reader gets a better idea of who the girls are..... their youth, innocence, and foolishness.


The House on Mango Street